Invest in Wired Headphones

May 13, 2019

As discussed way back in Newsletter #7, I am FREAKED OUT by the radiation emitted from cell phones, laptops, etc..  And with good reason.  Research shows that the radiation from these devices could be hazardous to our health -- especially our brain health, since talking with a cell phone brings that radiation right up to our heads.  Bluetooth headphones are similarly scary, as they are worn pretty much inside our heads.

Bluetooth headphones work through what's known as a "master/slave" model -- it's a wireless transmitter and receiver where the master earbud "talks" to the other one by transmitting a signal.  With wireless headphones, though, that signal is transmittedright through your brain.  And some people keep a bluetooth earpiece in their ear all day long.  And don't think that newer technology is safer -- Airpods have been shown to produce the highest EMF intensity, by several times over the next-closest headphone

According to the website RF Safe, "Bluetooth devices that fit in or around the ear typically radiate at 0.23 watts per kilogram (W/Kg).  This level is 10 to 100 times higher than the RF (radio wave frequency) exposure levels shown to make the blood-brain barrier pathologically leaky, allowing toxins and toxic molecules to cross the blood brain barrier...(which can) cause neuron death."

Even more alarmingly, "a single, two-hour exposure to cell phone or bluetooth radiation will result in pathological leakage of the blood-brain barrier.  The effect occurs immediately and is still seen at 14 days and at 50 days post-exposure."

You can reduce your exposure to that radiation by using wired headphones.  Maybe they're not as cool-looking, but that's a small price to pay for the reduction in your exposure to harmful EMFs.  And, as mentioned previously, put your phone on airplane mode at nighttime -- or, even better, leave it in another room.
