We’re Just Getting Fatter and Fatter

March 26, 2018

In 1991, just 27 years ago, there wasn't a single state in the U.S. with an obesity rate greater than 20%. Now -- there isn't a single state with an obesity rate LOWER than 20%.


This is upsetting on many levels but primarily because, I believe, people are trying -- struggling -- to lose weight but are given incorrect, outdated information. The "calories in / calories out" theory, for example, just doesn't work (well, it works for a LITTLE while, but then your body just compensates and slows down your metabolism to account for the lower food intake). You can't just eat less and exercise more and expect to lose weight -- there are too many other factors to consider and this ignores the most important factor in weight loss -- food QUALITY.

We've been pounded over the head with "low fat = healthy" when the science just doesn't support that. Fat doesn't make you fat. Good fats are, in fact, a vital part of a healthy diet. Low-fat and low-calorie packaged foods are typically loaded with chemicals that are added in to replace the good flavor of the fat that was removed. What passes as "food" these days are often things that our body has no idea what to do with. A good rule of thumb -- if your great grandma wouldn't know what it was, don't eat it.

For a great podcast on healthy weight loss, click here, for a great book on the whole low-fat misconception, click here -- or click here to become BetterFed!