Stock Your Fridge - Quick Snack Ideas

July 23, 2018

To continue with the stocking-the-fridge theme (great protein ideas were discussed in Newsletter #14 and healthy fats were discussed in Newsletter #22), here are some ideas for items to have on hand so you're less likely to grab a bag of chips when you're hit with a snack attack!

1.  Any and all veggies (celery, carrots, asparagus, peppers, endive, scallions, cucumbers, radishes, etc.)  Chop and put in baggies ahead of time for a great grab-and-go snack.  Baby carrots and cherry tomatoes don’t even need chopping!
2.  Guacamole, hummus or babaganoush (to dip those veggies IN!) – all of these are better options than dip because dips are usually made with processed seed oils.  Costco sells single-serve packages of guac that are great for on-the-go). 
3.  Olives - Whole Foods and Fairway have great olive bars.  Stock up!
4.  Fresh fruit, with or without nut butter
5.  Rotisserie chicken (preferably organic and/or locally-raised).  Pull the chicken off the bone while the chicken is still warm (it’s much easier then) and store in a glass container in the fridge for a quick snack.
6.  Nuts and seeds (raw and organic whenever possible).
7.  Avocados (slice them in half and sprinkle salt on top).
8.  Pickles, especially if they’re fermented (Bubbies brand).
9.  Any other fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, etc.).  Look for a brand that is raw and unpasteurized -- it will be in the refrigerated section.
10.  Soup (make a big batch and store it in mason jars so it’s easy to grab and reheat).  Nicer in the fall and winter, obviously, but I didn't want to leave it off.
11.  Smoked salmon, salmon patties (recipe here) or sushi (as long as it’s gluten-free -- remember there is gluten in soy sauce and often in wasabi paste, and there is often dairy in the special sauces – ask to be sure)
12.  Grass-fed jerky -- Whole Foods has tons (the Epic brand is good) and even Trader Joe's has some near the registers.
13.  Can of sardines (on a bed of lettuce or with gluten-free toast or crackers).
14.  Leftovers!  Get in the habit of cooking more than you need for one meal.  Meatballs, chili, grilled or breaded (gluten-free) chicken and pork tenderloin are all not bad cold (and can also be chopped and put over salads).

With all of those options, who needs chips?!?