Say No to GMOs

June 10, 2019

I recently heard a great interview with activist, author and filmmaker Jeffrey Smith on the hazards of GMOs (genetically modified organisms).  GMOs are plants which have had their genetic makeup altered in a lab to produce a certain outcome -- for example, they often used to make plants resistant to insecticides (so farmers can kill the bugs on their plants without killing the plants themselves in the process).  They are basically the opposite of organic foods.

While selective breeding (cross-pollination in an effort to increase yield) has been used for quite some time, the process of genetic modification (isolating an individual gene, multiplying it by the millions, shooting those little particles into the cells of a plant and cloning them) is quite new.

Research showing the hazards of GMOs does exist, as does some showing that they're OK (much of which was funded by Bayer-Monsanto, the corporation which makes Roundup and the commonly used Roundup-ready GMO seeds).  But we do know that crops grown from GMO seeds explode the guts of the bugs who try to feed on them.  It stands to reason that they would do the same to our guts.

I highly recommend watching Smith's new movie, Secret Ingredients for more on this subject and the many ways that GMO foods can affect your health.

Organic food does cost more, it's true.  But, better to pay the organic farmer now, than the doctor later -- Americans are spending 61% less on food per capita since the 1940's, but 61% MORE on healthcare.

I'll leave you with a meme that has gotten popular recently: