Pre-Game Pop Tarts?!?

April 2, 2018

My daughter was just home from college for the weekend to celebrate Easter with us. She plays a sport at college and was "enlightening" us with the instructions the spring athletes were all given this past week by the school's sports nutritionist.

Here are a few gems from the nutritionist's speech:

1. Fruit Roll-Ups, gummies and Pop Tarts are all good pre-game carbs because they give you energy. Wait, what? Sugary foods like those on this list will raise your blood sugar for a few minutes, yes -- but then you will crash (anyone who's ever seen a kid after a birthday party can tell you that). And you will crash right in the middle of your game. Not good timing. Whole, unprocessed foods will do a much better job of keeping your blood sugar regulated and balanced, giving you a constant source of steady energy.

2. Your plate should be 2/3 grains and 1/3 protein.
No mention of vegetables, fruits or healthy fats! No mention of ensuring the grains are as close to whole and unprocessed as you can find in a college dining hall (opt for rice over Rice Krispies). And no mention of food quality in general. Is it any wonder that half of my daughter's team has the flu/strep/colds?

3. Drinking chocolate milk is a good way to rehydrate after a game. Drinking water or water with electrolytes are good ways to rehydrate after a game. Chocolate milk is a dose of sugar that your body doesn't need. Not to mention the issues with conventional dairy (for more on this, read my newsletter on the subject).

I can't even believe someone actually gave college athletes this advice, let alone someone with credentials in nutrition. Yes, carbs are important for athletes, but eating real, unprocessed food -- and not just on game day -- is a much better choice and provides much more of what the body needs than processed junk foods like Pop Tarts and gummies.