Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

April 9, 2018

I often get questions like, "Should I eat chia seeds?" or "Should I add flax to my smoothies?"

While I don't mean to diminish the value of these questions, I do think that they emphasize our innate predisposition to focus on the minutia while ignoring the big picture.

Many of us still eat grain-based diets filled with tons of prepared, packaged foods. We don't focus on food quality. We don't eat enough vegetables. We sacrifice sleep for work or social media. We drink too much alcohol and not enough water. We never take time to de-stress or spend time in nature. The body can keep plugging along for a long time dealing with all of these assaults but, eventually, they all add up and create the perfect environment for disease to take hold.

So instead of worrying about the latest superfood, just think about the big picture -- focus on your food as a whole and try to make it the highest quality you can (eat things that were GROWN, not manufactured). Move around as often as you can and try to commit to 7 hours of sleep, minimum.

Once you've accomplished those, THEN you can start thinking about whether or not to do whatever the next attention-grabbing headline says to do!

Check out this article from The Onion for a little humor on the subject.

How have improved YOUR big picture?