DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

September 23, 2019

DNRS, or the Dynamic Neural Re-Training System is a "neuroplasticity-based healing program" that can help you recover from all sorts of conditions (chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical or food sensitivities, fibromyalgia & chronic pain, chronic Lyme, anxiety...the list goes on and on) that are related to a chronic stress response.  A chronic stress response is when your body's immune system overreacts to stimuli -- even when you don't need it to.  Like, eating dairy might have given you hives for years, but all of a sudden you might start getting hives when you eat corn or rice as well, even if you're not truly allergic to them (although you might THINK a new allergy has developed). 

When your limbic system is on high alert for a long time, it can get stuck in that pattern and then remain on high alert even when you don't need it to.  The folks at DNRS refer to this as a "maladapted stress response."  The program strives to change the function and structure of your brain and rewire the limbic system.

At first glance, DNRS seems like the weirdest thing ever -- I know.  When the program was first prescribed for one of my kids, I said, "If this works, it will change everything I thought I knew about health."  Well, it did work.  And even more quickly than they said it would.  And it cured my child of a 5-year illness that 7 or 8 fabulous doctors and tons of drugs and supplements couldn't.  

If you or anyone you know is dealing with a chronic health problem, I highly encourage you to check out the DNRS program.  I believe it will change the future of medicine.