Beyond Meat

June 17, 2019

Plant-based (fake-meat) burgers are becoming more and more popular, even making their way into McDonald's and Burger King.  But some of the popularity of plant-based burgers may be based on the guilt some of us still feel when consuming meat.  After all, the idea that meat is unhealthy has been drilled into our heads for years.  But, while plants (fruits and vegetables) should make up the bulk of our diets, plant-based processed food is just that -- processed food.  And real food always trumps processed food.

Dietician (and caretaker of an organic farm) Diana Rodgers does an amazing job of explaining why it is important for humans to eat meat -- from the nutritional standpoint, and also from the environmental perspective.  In this article, she details the carbon and methane emission issues and why they are inaccurate.  And in this article, she argues that although avoiding meat consumption might seem like it's better for your health and the environment, there is another side to that story.  She also addresses many of the concerns voiced by vegetarians and vegans.

In reference to the newly popular plant-based burgers, Diana says,  "Plant-based, ultra-processed fake meats are NOT better than grass-fed beef.  We need better meat, not fake meat.  Also, real meat is WAY healthier than ultra-processed pea protein and canola oil."

This website has tons of info on why grass-fed meat is healthier than plant-based fake meat.  And check out a recent study on this topic by clicking on this photo: