20-20-20 for 20/20

June 4, 2018

Most of us spend a majority of our days staring at screens. This can lead to eye strain (there's even a name for this condition now -- Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS) and a host of other issues. But there's a little trick that can help remedy that: 20-20-20.

Every 20 minutes, focus your eyes on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Easy! And easy to remember.

But since it's also easy to get sucked in to whatever you're working on, set a timer on your computer or your phone to remind you to do this short exercise.

This article has a bunch of easy, helpful suggestions for reducing eye strain, but wearing blue-light blocking glasses at night, dimming the lights in your house (or using these amber-tinted bulbs) at night and eliminating screens in the hour before bedtime can also give your eyes -- and your brain -- a much-needed break.