10 Tips on Protecting Yourself from EMFs

July 29, 2019

The advances in technology made over the past two decades are nothing short of astounding.  Computers and phones have gotten so small that we can carry them around all day – so handy, right?  The issue is that we often carry our devices right up against our bodies, and close contact to these devices exposes us to potentially harmful EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies -- or the signals that are emitted from electronic devices, which have been linked to brain cancer, insomnia, depression, anxiety and a host of other issues).  There are ways to mitigate this exposure, though.  Here are some tips:

  1. Only talk on your cell phone for short periods of time.

  2. Use an EMF-blocking case if your phone has to be on your ear, or use speakerphone or wired earphones instead of holding the phone up to your ear (wireless headphones send the signal from one headphone to the other – right through your brain).

  3. Text whenever you can, rather than calling someone (OK, it’s less friendly, but it’s safer!).  If you DO opt to call someone, try to call when the cell signal is strong, and, as just mentioned, use a protective case, speakerphone or wired headphones.

  4. When you’re not using your phone, keep it at least one foot away from your body.

  5. Limit using your laptop or tablet right on your lap.  Put them on a table or use an EMF-blocking shield for extended use.

  6. Turn off your WiFi and Bluetooth – or your actual devices -- when you’re not using them.  Even when not in use, your phone sends out an intermittent signal to connect with nearby cell phone towers, which means radiation exposure is still happening. 

  7. If you use your phone as an alarm clock (please don't!) at least put it on airplane mode when you're going to bed.  If you're worried about missing emergency calls during the night, at least put your phone under your bed or as far away from you as possible - DO NOT sleep with it on your night table or anywhere near your head.

  8. Use a wired mouse and keyboard with desktop computers and push your desktop monitor as far away from you as possible.

  9. Limit children’s use of cell phones and tablets, especially close to their bodies (they are more susceptible than adults).

  10. Use an Ethernet cable to connect to the internet whenever possible.

Hope you find these tips helpful!  For more information on EMFs, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to Safer Cell Phone Use.